Elise Kersch accident cause of death, view ridge middle school london bruns


Elise Kersch accident cause of death, view ridge middle school london bruns

Elise Kersch Obituaries

Elise Catherine Kersch, 17, of Hardin Valley Community, Knoxville died unexpectedly in her home early Sunday morning, October 4 , 2020.

Elise was a Hardin Valley Academy senior and was very involved with the K2 Volleyball Team and the Hawks Volleyball Team. Technology Student Association (TSA) honoured her. She submitted an experiment to SPACEX / NASA for the International Space Station in a zero-gravity environment. Elise was a "A" grad. She once sold an aircraft. Elise flew to 21 nations. She was a wonderful daughter and friend, always searching for the best thing.

 Elise Kersch

Elise survives her mum, Tara Kersch; grandparents, Cheryl and Bob Mundle, Jeannette and Kurt Kersch; uncle, Bill Kersch and Jennifer 's wife; aunt, Annette Milbrook and Steve's husband, aunts Emily Holdridge and Elizabeth Gross and various cousins.

A Life Party at 5:00 p.m. (Open at 4:30) Wednesday at Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel with Rev. Don Thomas.

Hardin Valley and K2 Volleyball Squads will be honorary bearers.

Elise Kersch's colleagues

Companions, relatives, friends , and family became incredibly pitiful and weep when the reports on the expired were made public.

 Elise Kersch

Penny Price Mclntosh, who grieved with Dylan Mcintosh over Elise 's death, said:

"Said that Elise Kersch was one of the most enchanted spirits in their lives.

Words can not start expressing our misfortune. Savvy ... like Very shrewd ... like graduating high school a year ahead of time. Also, the pilot!

Excellent ...... like Truly delightful ... like beautiful.

Oriented competitor ... like Very motivated ... like she wanted to prepare with me Any opportunity she came over, and I couldn't prepare her hard enough competitor.

 Elise Kersch

The sweet, brilliant young lady who could illuminate such a splendid room that everybody went to see her ... and she had no idea that her amazing light shone on countless citizens.

"Appalling news for our K2 family today and seeing everyone @elise.everywhere.

In the event that there was a person who is SPARKLED was Elise Kersch and she realized how you were important. I just need to remember her like this ... at F'Rom last year ... she shimmered, flew ... with zero exertion! Sit back and rest lovely young lady ... so many now harming young girls, mentors, and communities! "Andrika Langham."

Elise Kersch's death

We found out about the extraordinary tragedy that Elise Kersch is no longer, supposedly dead. On October 5, 2020, we're forced to dream about her death. Elise Kersch was a K2 16 world-class volleyball player from Knoxville, TN, who competed for K2 Volleyball Team. We're mourning Elise Kersch 's party for this extraordinary misfortune. If you don't mind our sincere sympathy. The beginning of an excursion must have an end. Unfortunately, her excursion was ended on earth.

 Elise Kersch

Elise Kersch Funeral Arrangement

The family has yet to unveil their eulogy and funeral service game plans. We are also not sure that any GoFundMe was made by the expired family or companions at this distribution's hour.

We announce that our partner and associate died with mind-blowing trouble and weighty souls. Praise her, leave her a benevolent word. Companions, families and loved ones poured out their lament and sympathy to honor the expired's dying.