Dubai deport Yana Graboshchuk, sophia Tkachuk and anastasia kashuba
Women arrested in connection with a viral nude Dubai photo shoot are set to be deported.
According to news, Dubai will deport 11 Ukrainian women who were arrested for public debauchery after posing naked on a high-rise balcony in a stunt that quickly went viral.
The cheeky girl, along with a male Russian photographer, were arrested in the United Arab Emirates on charges of public debauchery and pornography production.
Images of the public exhibition of nakedness sparked outrage on social media and shocked sensibilities in the sheikhdom, where a legal code based on Islamic law, or Shariah, has put foreigners in jail for minor infractions.
Dubai's Attorney General Essam Issa al-Humaidan announced on Tuesday that those responsible for the contentious photoshoot would be extradited to their home countries, without providing further information.
Eleven models are being deported after taking part in a steamy naked photo shoot on a hotel balcony in Dubai. One woman was classified based on the design of her tattoo.
Though Dubai police have declined to identify those detained, The US Sun has named one as Yana Graboshchuk, a 27-year-old Ukrainian model who was apprehended due to a distinctive tattoo on her buttocks that matched her social media images.
The green-eyed brunette stunner's family shared surprise that she was involved in the headline-grabbing incident.
“She went on vacation, and then I'm not sure what happened,” Taras Graboshchuk, 20, told the news outlet. “Indeed, she had arranged for a photo shoot there... However, I lacked additional details about it.”

The attorney general's swift action is unusual in the Dubai legal system, where such cases are usually tried or otherwise adjudicated before deportation.
“The public prosecutor ordered their expulsion for their conduct contrary to public morals,” al-Humaidan said, adding that the women were charged with breaching the public decency rule.
The scandal erupted just days before Ramadan, Islam's holiest month, and as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky touched down in nearby Doha, Qatar, for an official state visit.
Dubai has been aggressively marketing itself as a popular vacation destination for Russians.
The newspaper Life, which is usually pro-Kremlin, named the arrested Russian as the head of an information technology corporation, though the firm denied any involvement in the incident.
Stanislav Voskresensky, the governor of the Ivanovo region where the business is headquartered, has requested assistance from the Russian Foreign Ministry and Russia's ambassador to the UAE.
Voskresensky posted on social media, "We do not abandon our own."
Although the UAE has amended its laws to attract visitors and investors, authorizing unmarried couples to share hotel rooms and residents to consume alcohol without a license, the country's justice system imposes stringent penalties for violations of the country's public decency rule.
The group faced up to six months in prison and a fine of about $1,500 for the rap.