Kim Duthie Instagram, Ricky Nixon duffy st kilda schoolgirl


Kim Duthie Instagram, Ricky Nixon duffy st kilda schoolgirl

St Kilda schoolgirl spills on relationships, claims she was in hell and back

Kim Duthie told fans about her new relationship and reaching rock bottom, after announcing that she is writing a tell-all book on her AFL scandals.

After announcing that she is writing a tell-all book a decade after making headlines as the "St Kilda schoolgirl," Kimberley Duthie has answered questions from social media followers.

In 2010 and 2011, with St Kilda Football Club, Duthie became involved in a string of controversies. The teenager leaked naked pictures of Saints players and was found with player manager Ricky Nixon in a hotel room.

After briefly dating Saints defender Sam Gilbert, she also confessed on 60 Minutes to faking a pregnancy.

This week, Duthie teased on social media that she was working on a book and later said she was "overwhelmed" by the reaction.

On Sunday night, she participated in a Q&A with followers on her Instagram account, where she responded briefly to questions about her experiences 10 years ago and her current relationship status.

Asked if she had any negative reviews after her upcoming book was released, Duthie said: "Surprisingly, no, I didn't see anything at all." All I've got is positive feedback and everybody really supports me, so it's a really, really great feeling to know that I have everybody's love and support.

Duthie is married to a son and said she "always liked older men" to her fans. Her husband is 27-and-a-half years older than her, whom she met at a strip club he owns.

Kim Duthie st kilda schoolgirl

Duthie had some concerns regarding her marital status, and while the couple briefly split, she clarified that they were still together. However, she added that last week was the first time she had seen her husband in months because of border restrictions due to COVID-19.

Later in the Q&A, Duthie was asked if, when she was younger, her life was what she wanted now.

"She said, "I wish I hadn't been through all the bad stuff that I have, but I'm still grateful for what they've taught me.

"It took me 10 years to rebuild a new life, and I believe that my company and success are due to the hardships I have been through."

She was "to hell and back," Duthie said, but is proud of her "strength and resilience."

"You'll see everything I went through once you read the book, and coming back from that is one of the greatest feats anyone could accomplish," Duthie said.

"The bottom of the rock is not even comparable to where I once lived."

After the St Kilda scandals, she wrote in response to a follower who thanked Duthie for "fighting back" against the AFL: "It is not so much about smashing them, but rather telling my truth and my version of events through my own eyes."

This is going to be a factual version of events vs. a previous fictional soap opera.

"I am so thrilled to be me and to write from my heart."

It was announced that Duthie was fighting stage four cervical cancer in April last year. Now, she owns an eyelash parlor.