• Andrea Botez

Andrea Botez age height sister, rating Pops Powers Up Their Chess Game


Andrea Botez age height sister, rating Pops Powers Up Their Chess Game

Andrea Botez tight with her sis and pops, working together on chess stuff. She's got mad skills in thinking sharp and analyzing, all thanks to slaying on the chessboard.

Andrea Botez ain't just any chick, she's a straight-up chess boss and content creator online. She's born and raised in a chess family, learned the game when she was just a lil' tyke. If you know Alexandra Botez, Andrea's her sis, a big deal in the chess scene, winning titles left and right.

Andrea Botez

This chick's bio? She's a young gun with a big fan base, hustling on Twitch with her chess games and making dope content on YouTube.

Andrea Botez

How old is she? 20, yo, born in 2002 in Vancouver, Canada. Now she's posted up in Dallas and New York, repping that Canadian-American vibe.

Andrea Botez

Peep her sis, Alexandra, she's older by almost seven years, rocking the chess world since '95. Both their pops, known as Papa Botez, holds it down in chess too. Their mom's name's a mystery, but they're from Romania, grinding in Oregon back in the day.

Andrea Botez

In school, Andrea was vibing in American classrooms, but after graduating high school, she was like, "Nah, I'ma take a break from the academic grind." Her sis, though, went to Stanford and did her thing in international relations.

Andrea Botez

Starting chess at six, Andrea's been on her grind since, racking up wins and hitting peak ratings. Now her and her sis run BotezLive, killing it on Twitch and YouTube.

Andrea Botez

Grandmaster status? Nah, not yet for Andrea, but she's making moves. As for her bankroll, it's on the hush, but her sis ain't playing when she says she's making bank.

Andrea Botez

Relationship status? Single, y'all. Andrea's all about that chess life, keeping her personal biz low-key.

Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez

Height-wise, she's 5'3", and her sis got her beat by an inch. But when it comes to chess, Andrea's the real queen on the board.

Andrea Botez

Trivia time: she's all about self-study, rockin' size 6 kicks, and even played in a tourney to raise cash for COVID relief.

Andrea Botez

Andrea Botez ain't just a chess prodigy, she's a content queen, repping hard with her fam by her side.

Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez
Andrea Botez